
If you want to find a specific record or to retrieve a collection of records, for example in custom code, references or XML settings, you can build search expressions using a number of searchable properties. This topic lists all properties that you can use and guides you in how to construct search expressions to find records.

In the Searchable properties on records list below you will see both simple and complex searchable properties. Simple properties are of a simple data type, like a string, number or datatime. Complex properties contain nested Aprimo DAM objects, such as a classification, file or user. In case of a complex property you can use the searchable properties of that nested object to complete your search expression. Click each of the complex properties in the table to go to the list of searchable properties for that object type.

An example:

Relation between Record and Classification

Suppose you want to retrieve all records that are linked to a certain classification. You can use any searchable property of the nested classification object to specify which classification you want to use in the search expression, in order to find all records that are linked to that classification.

You can find all searchable properties for classification in Classification.

So, to search for all records that are linked to the classification named ProductImages you could use this search expression:

Classification.Name = ProductImages

The Sortable column indicates for each property if it can be used for sorting, for example to sort a search result set, in record display view configurations or when creating widgets.

Searchable properties on records

Property Type Sortable Description
Classification / DirectClassification Classification Search for records that are linked to the specified classification or one of its descendants.

If you only want to search in the specified classification itself and not include any descendants, use the property DirectClassification instead.

ContentStatus String Search for records by their status.

Example: to find all records with status Draft:

 Contentstatus = "Draft"
ContentType String Search for records by content type, including child content types.

Example: to find all records with content type Video and all its child content types:

 ContentType = "Video"
CreatedBy / ModifiedBy User Search for records that were created by or last modified by a specific user.
CreatedOn / ModifiedOn
DateTime yes Search for records by their creation or last modification datetime, in UTC time. Use the format of the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all records created before December 31st, 2000:

 CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
DirectContentType String Search for records by content type, excluding child content types.

Example: to find all records with content type Asset, not matching any records with a child content type of Asset:

 DirectContentType = "Asset"
File File Search for records using properties of the File objects in those records.

The physical asset file is always linked to a file version in Aprimo DAM. This means that you have to drill down to the FileVersion level to search using physical file properties, such as the file name or file size – see File version.
FileCount Number Search for records by the number of files they contain.

Example: to find all records that contain no files

 FileCount = 0
Id Guid yes Search for a specific record using its Id.


 Id = "c48f8b80-371c-48d1-88a1-a41800a9fa98"
LatestVersionOfMasterfile FileVersion Search for records using properties of the FileVersion object that is the latest version of the master file
(depends on the field data type) Search for records by using its field values.See Using fields when searching for records and classifications for more information on using fields in search expressions.
RecordClassification(“[TheClassId]”).SortIndex Number yes Sort records on their SortIndex within the specified classification.

You can only sort on this property. Searching on SortIndex is not supported.
Title String yes Search for an exact match of the Title property.


Title = "Blue Umbrella"
Title CONTAINS "Umbrella"


These are the classification properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records:

Property Type Sortable Examples
Id Guid yes Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the specified Id:

 Classification.Id = '6CD75F39-9BC8-40e2-B2FE-982045436CF7'
Identifier String Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the unique Identifier ProductImages

 Classification.Identifier = 'ProductImages'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
Label String yes Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the specified label:

 Classification.Label = 'Product Images'
We recommend using the classification identifier instead, since that is always unique in the entire Aprimo DAM database. In case you use the label for searching, be aware that the the label will only be searched using the provided language(s) or, if no language is provided, the language of the user who is executing the search expression.
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
LabelPath String
 Classification.LabelPath = '/Books/Published books'

Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the label path /Books/Published books:

Be aware however that the language of the label depends on the language of the user who is executing the search expression. In code it might be a better idea to use the classification identifier instead, since that is always unique in the entire Aprimo DAM database.
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
Name String yes Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the name SummerImages .

 Classification.Name = 'SummerImages'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
NamePath String Retrieves all records that are linked to the classification with the name path /Books/Published.

 Classification.NamePath = '/Books/Published'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
Parent Guid Retrieves all records that are linked to one of the children of the classification with Id ‘6CD75F39-9BC8-40e2-B2FE-982045436CF7

 Classification.Parent = '6CD75F39-9BC8-40e2-B2FE-982045436CF7'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.


These are the file properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records:

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
CheckedOutBy Guid yes Retrieves all records that contain a checked-out file that was checked out by the user with the specified Id:

 File.CheckedOutBy = 'c48f8b80-371c-48d1-88a1-a41800a9fa98'
DateTime yes Retrieves all records that contain a checked-out file that was checked out before January 1st, 2000, in UTC time. Use the format of the user executing the search expression.

 File.CheckedOutOn < '01/01/2000'
(depends on the field data type) Search for records by using the field values of a file in that record. See Using fields when searching for records and classifications for more information on using fields in search expressions.
Id Guid yes Retrieves the record that contains the file with the specified Id

 File.Id = 'c39615d3-60cb-4814-9536-a41800a9c552'
IsMaster Boolean yes Search for all records that contain a file that is marked as Master file. This search property is typically used in combination with other properties, e.g.

Retrieves all records where the master file has more than one file version:

 File[IsMaster = true AND VersionCount > 1]
SortIndex Number yes Retrieves all records that contain a file with the specified sort index (0 based). This property is most used combined with other search criteria.

 File.SortIndex = 2
Version FileVersion Search for records using properties of the FileVersion objects in the files of those records
VersionCount Number Retrieves all records that contain a file with more than 1 version

 File.VersionCount > 1

File version

These are the file version properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records.

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
AdditionalFile AdditionalFile Search for records using properties of the Additional File object linked to a FileVersion objects of those records
Checksum CRC32 Retrieves all file versions that have a file with the given checksum.

 File.Version.Checksum = '-1509776639'
CreatedOn DateTime Retrieves all records that contain a file version that was created before Januari 1st, 2000, in the Aprimo DAM server’s time zone. Use the format of the user executing the search expression.

 File.Version.CreatedOn < '01/01/2000'

Retrieves all records that contain a file with a file version that was created between Januari 1st and December 31st, 2000, in UTC time. Use the format of the user executing the search expression.

 File.Version[Createdon > '01/01/2000' 
 AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000']
Comment String Retrieves all records that contain a file with a latest file version whose comment box contains excellent

 LatestVersionOfMasterFile.Comment CONTAINS 'excellent'
Extension String Retrieves all records that contain a file version with a jpg file extension

 File.Version.Extension = 'jpg'
FileName String Retrieves all records where a file contains a file version with an asset file named test.jpg

 File.Version.Filename = 'test.jpg'
FileSize Number Retrieves all records where a file contains a file version with an asset file larger than 200 000 bytes

 File.Version.Filesize > 200000
FileType FileType Search for records using properties of the File Type object linked to a FileVersion objects of those records.
HasPublicUri Boolean Retrieves all records that contain a file with a latest file version which have a public CDN link:

LatestVersionOfMasterFile.HasPublicUri = true
Id Guid Retrieves the record that contain the file version with the specified Id:

 File.Version.Id = '6f41fa97-d32a-42ba-8cdd-a41800a9ea16'
Preview Guid Retrieves the record that contains the file version with the preview with the specified Id:

 File.Version.Preview = '6f41fa97-d32a-42ba-8cdd-a41800a9ea16'
PreviewCount Number Retrieves all records that contain a file with a more than 2 previews (0 based)

 File.Version.PreviewCount > 1
Version Number Retrieves all records with a file that has more than 2 file versions (1 based, the first version is always number 1)

 File.Version.Version > 2
VersionLabel String Retrieves all records that contain a file with a file version whose version label contains Draft:

 File.Version.VersionLabel = Draft


You can use this syntax  in search expressions when searching for records that are included in a certain collection in the DAM UI:


The expression will return the list of records in that collection.


These are the user properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records:

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
Id Guid yes Retrieves all records that were last modified by the user with the specified Id

 ModifiedBy.Id = 'c48f8b80-371c-48d1-88a1-a41800a9fa98'
Email String Retrieves all records that were last modified by the user with the e-mail address ‘’

 ModifiedBy.Email = ''
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
Name String Retrieves all records that are created by the user named Pete Newcase

 CreatedBy.Name = 'Pete Newcase'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
FirstName String Retrieves all records that are created by a user with the first name Joe

 CreatedBy.FirstName = 'Joe'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
LastName String Retrieves all records that are created by a user with the last name Newcase

 CreatedBy.FirstName = 'Newcase'
You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.

Additional file

These are the additional file properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records.

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
Id Guid Retrieves the record that contains the file version that contains the additional file with the specified Id

 File.Version.AdditionalFile.Id = 
Checksum CRC32 Retrieves all records that contain a latest master file version with a rendition (stored as additional file) with the given checksum.

File.Version.AdditionalFile.CheckSum = '-1509776639'

File type

These are the file type properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for records.

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
Id Guid Retrieves the record that contains the file version that contains the additional file with the specified Id

 File.Version.FileType.Id = 
Kind String Retrieves all records that contain a file version that is a Jpg file (was recognized as being of a Jpg file type kind). This will match files with both jpg and jpeg extensions.

 File.Version.FileType.Kind = JPG

See File Types in the Aprimo DAM Administrator Guide for more information.

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.
Name String Retrieves all records that contain a file version with the file name “ProductOverview.jpg”.

 File.Version.FileType.Name = "ProductOverview.jpg"

See File Types in the Aprimo DAM Administrator Guide for more information.

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.