
The tables below list all properties that can be used when searching for different objects in Aprimo DAM.

The Type column contains the type of data returned by that property. In case of a complex property, where the type is again an object, you can use the searchable properties of that nested object to complete your search expression. Click each of the complex properties in the table to see the list of searchable properties for that object type.

Sortable tells you whether or not you can sort the search results by this keyword in queries.

Log entries

Property Type Sortable Description
Action Enumeration yes Search for log entries containing an entry of the specified action.


to find all log entries about a record modification:

 Action = RecordModified
ApplicationName String yes Search for log entries that are linked to a specific Aprimo DAM application, e.g. StudioSelector, AssetStudio, ConfigStudio.


to find all log entries linked to Aprimo DAM Assets:

 ApplicationName = AssetStudio
Message String Search for log entries where the message contains a specific word or phrase.


to find all log entries that contain the word “error” in their message:

 Message = "*error*"
Key Guid yes Search for log entries that are linked to a specific object, indicated by the object’s Id.


to find all log entries about the Record with the specified ID:

 key = '6CD75F39-9BC8-40e2-B2FE-982045436CF7'
LoggedOn DateTime yes Search for log entries that were logged on, before or after a specific date & time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.



to find all log entries that occurred on October 30th, 2006 between 6AM and 8PM:

 LoggedOn > "10/30/2006 06:00:00 AM" AND 
 LoggedOn < "10/30/2006 08:00:00 PM"


to find all today’s log entries:

 LoggedOn in today
SessionId Guid Search for log entries that are linked to a specific session Id.
User User Search for log entries that were caused by a specific user.



to find all log entries linked to the user “Pete Newcase”:

 User.Name = "Pete Newcase"


Property Type Sortable Description
Ancestor Classification Search for classifications using the properties of their ancestors.

You can use any classification property, except for field references to complex fields and any property that again return a classification object, e.g. Ancestor or Child.

AncestorOrSelf Classification Search for classifications using the properties of their ancestors combined with the properties of the current classification.

You can use any classification property, except for field references to complex fields and any property that again return a classification object, e.g. Ancestor or Child.

CreatedBy User Search for classifications that were created by a specific user.


to find all classifications that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for classifications that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all classifications that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
(depends on the field data type) Retrieves all classifications the value of the field CountryCode is BE:

 FieldName("CountryCode") = "BE"

See Using fields when searching for records and classifications for more information on using fields in search expressions.

Id Guid Yes Search for the classification with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Identifier String Yes Search for the classification with the specified Identifier.


 Identifier = "ProductImages"
Label String Yes Retrieves the classification with the specified label:

 Label = 'Product Images'

We recommend using the classification identifier instead, since that is always unique in the entire Aprimo DAM database. In case you use the label for searching, be aware that the the label will only be searched using the provided language(s) or, if no language is provided, the language of the user who is executing the search expression.

LabelPath String Retrieves the classification with the label path /Books/Published books:

 LabelPath = '/Books/Published books'

We recommend using the classification identifier instead, since that is always unique in the entire Aprimo DAM database. In case you use the label for searching, be aware that the the label will only be searched using the provided language(s) or, if no language is provided, the language of the user who is executing the search expression.

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.

ModifiedBy User Search for classifications that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all classifications that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for classifications by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all classifications that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for classifications with a specific name.


to find all classifications whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
NamePath String Retrieves the classification with the name path /Books/Published.

 NamePath = '/Books/Published'

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.

Parent Classification Search for classifications using the properties of their parent classifications.

You can use any classification property, except for field references to complex fields and any property that again return a classification object, e.g. Ancestor or Child.

Root Classification Search for classifications using the properties of their root classification.

You can use any classification property, except for field references to complex fields and any property that again return a classification object, e.g. Ancestor or Child.

SortIndex Number Yes Search for classifications by their sort index


 SortIndex = 0


These are the user properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for classifications:

Property Type Sortable Description & Examples
Id Guid yes Retrieves all classifications that were last modified by the user with the specified Id

 ModifiedBy.Id = 'c48f8b80-371c-48d1-88a1-a41800a9fa98'
Name String Retrieves all classifications that are created by the user named Pete Newcase

 CreatedBy.Name = 'Pete Newcase'

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.

Email String Retrieves all classifications that were last modified by the user with the e-mail address ‘’

 ModifiedBy.Email = ''

You can only search this property using an exact match (using the = operator). Wildcards and any other operators are not supported.


Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for collections that were created by a specific user.


to find all collections that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for collections that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all collections that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Id Guid Yes Search for the collection with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
IsShared  Boolean Search for Collections by whether or not they are currently shared.


Find Collections that are shared

 isShared = true
ModifiedBy User Search for collections that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all collections that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for collections by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all collections that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for collections with a specific name.


to find all collections whose name begins with “My”:

 Name = My*
OwnerId User Search for collections where a specific user is listed as owner.


to find all collections where the user “Pete Newcase” is owner:

 OwnerId.Name = "Pete Newcase"

Field definitions

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for field definitions that were created by a specific user.


to find all field definitions that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for field definitions that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all field definitions that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Datatype Enumeration Search for field definitions with a specific data type.


to find all field definitions with the data type “Duration”:

 DataType = Duration
DefaultValue String Yes Search for field definitions by using their default value definition.

See the Aprimo DAM Administrator Guide > Basics and architecture > Fields for more information.


to find all field definitions that don’t have a default value

 DefaultValue = ""
Group FieldGroup Search for field definitions that are a member of a specific field group.


to find all field definitions that are member of the “Price Fields” field group:

 Group.Name = "Price Fields"
Id Guid Yes Search for the field definition with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
InlineStyle String Yes Search for field definitions that use a specific inline style.


to find all field definitions that use a blue background:

 InlineStyle = "*background: blue*"
Label String Yes Search for field definitions by their label.


 Label = "Product Reference"

Note that using the label in code is not recommended, because the label will only be searched in the language of the user executing the code (current user).

LanguageMode Enumeration Yes Search for field definitions that have a specific language mode selected (single language or multilingual).


to find all field definitions that are in single language mode:

 LanguageMode = Single
ModifiedBy User Search for field definitions that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all field definitions that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for field definitions by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all field definitions that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for field definitions with a specific name.


to find all field definitions whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
Reader User Search for field definitions that can be read/seen by a specific user.


to find all field definitions that are readable by/visible to the user “Pete Newcase”:

 Reader.Name = "Pete Newcase"
SchemaUpdateRequired Boolean Search for field definitions by whether or not the schema of this field is up to date.


to find all field definitions that are still waiting for a schema update:

 SchemaUpdateRequired = true
Scope Enumeration Yes Search for field definitions by their scope.


to find all field definitions that are available on all records, or whose scope is “RecordContentGlobal”:

 Scope = RecordContentGlobal
ScopeCategory Enumeration Yes Search for field definitions by their scope category, being the object type they’re available on, such as Classification, Record or User.


to find all field definitions that are created for classifications:

 ScopeCategory = Classification
SortIndex Number Yes Search for field definitions by their sort index.


to find the field definition with sort index 0:

 SortIndex = 0
StorageMode Enumeration Yes Search for field definitions by how and when their field values are stored in the database.


to find all field definitions whose values are always stored (even if the value is null):

 StorageMode = AllValues
Validation String Yes Search for field definitions by the validation routine to be executed when the field is being validated.


to find all field definitions that don’t have a validation routine

 Validation = ""

Field groups

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for field groups that were created by a specific user.


to find all field groups that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for field groups that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all field groups that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Field FieldDefinition Search for field groups that contain a specific field definition as member.


to find all field groups that contain the field ProductReference as member:

 Field.Name = "ProductReference"
Id Guid Yes Search for the field group with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Manager User Search for field groups that can be managed by a specific user (who is granted the Manage profile and fields of field group xyz security permission).


to find all field groups that can be managed by the user “Pete Newcase”:

 Manager.Name = "Pete Newcase"
ModifiedBy User Search for field groups that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all field groups that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for field groups by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all field groups that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for field groups with a specific name.


to find all field groups whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
Reader User Search for field groups that can be read/seen by a specific user (who is granted the Read profile and fields of field group xyz security permission).


to find all field groups that are readable by/visible to the user “Pete Newcase”:

 Reader.Name = "Pete Newcase"

File types

Property Type Sortable Description
AllowOrderResizeSource Boolean Search for file types by whether or not they allow files of that type to be resized when ordering them.


to find all file types that allow resizing:

 AllowOrderResizeSource= true
CreatedBy User Search for file types that were created by a specific user.


to find all file types that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for file types that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all file types that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
EngineFormat String Yes Search for file types by their engine format.


to find all file types that have “PSD” as engine format:

 EngineFormat = PSD
Extension String Yes Search for file types with a specific extension.


to find all file types with an extension that starts with “jp”:

 Extension = "jp*"
GraphicEngines XPath Search for file types by the media engines that were selected to process files of this file type when importing them into Aprimo DAM.


to find all file types where XMP was selected as media engine:

GraphicEngines = "/engines/add[@name = 'Xmp']"

This example XML would match the XPath expression:

<engines version="1.0">
   <add name="ImageGlue7" />
   <add name="ImageGlue6" />
   <add name="Xmp" />
Id Guid Yes Search for the file type with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Kind String Yes Search for file types with a specific kind value.


to find all file types that belong to the “Jpg” kind:

 Extension = "Jpg"
MacCreator String Yes Search for file types by their Mac creator code.


to find all file types with the Mac creator code “CARO”:

 MacCreator= "CARO"
MacType String Yes Search for file types by their Mac type code.


to find all file types with the Mac type code “CARO”:

 MacType= "WDBN"
MimeType String Yes Search for file types by their Mime type.


to find all file types with the Mime type “video/mpeg”:

 MimeType= "video/mpeg"
ModifiedBy User Search for file types that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all file types that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for file types by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all file types that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for file types with a specific name.


to find all file types whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
PreferredExtension Boolean Yes Search for file types by whether or not they are the preferred file type for their extension.


to find all file types marked as preferred extension:

 PreferredExtension = TRUE
PreferredMacType Boolean Yes Search for file types by whether or not they are the preferred file type for their Mac type.


to find all file types marked as preferred Mac Type:

 PreferredExtension = TRUE
PreviewFormat Enumeration Search for file types by the file format in which their preview image must be created.


to find all file types for which a Jpg file must be created as image preview:

 PreviewFormat= "Jpg"
RegisteredField Field Search for file types by the fields that are registered on them.


to find all file types where the “ProductReference” field is registered:

 RegisteredField = "ProductReference"
RegisteredFieldGroup FieldGroup Search for file types by the field groups that are registered on them.


to find all file types where the “ProductFields” field group is registered:

 RegisteredFieldGroup = "ProductFields"


Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for languages that were created by a specific user.


to find all languages that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for languages that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all languages that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
EnabledForFields Boolean True Search for all languages by whether or not they’re enabled for fields.


to find all languages that can be used to provide field values in:

 EnabledForFields = true
Id Guid Yes Search for the language with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
ModifiedBy User Search for languages that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all languages that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for languages by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all languages that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for languages with a specific name.


to find all languages whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*

Maintenance jobs

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Yes Search for maintenance jobs that were created by a specific user.


to find all maintenance jobs that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for maintenance jobs that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all maintenance jobs that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
GroupId Guid Yes Search for indexer-created maintenance jobs by their group Id. All jobs that are created by a specific indexer task get the task’s ID as Group Id.


to find all maintenance jobs that were created by the indexer task with the specified Id:

 GroupId = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Id Guid Yes Search for the maintenance job with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
ModifiedBy User Search for maintenance jobs that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all maintenance jobs that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “Pete.Newcase@aprimo.comt”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for maintenance jobs by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all maintenance jobs that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
ProcessCode Guid Yes Search for maintenance jobs by their process code. This code allows you to find all jobs that were processed by a particular run of the maintenance manager.


to find all maintenance jobs that were processed by the run of a maintenance manager with the specified process code:

 ProcessCode = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
SplitContext Enumeration Yes Search for maintenance jobs by their split context: are they a non-split job, the container of a split job or one of the members of a split job.

See the Aprimo DAM Administrator Guide > Maintenance > Organizing job execution for more information on split maintenance jobs.


to find all maintenance jobs that are a container for a number of split jobs:

 SplitContext = Container
SplitIndex Number Yes Search for split maintenance jobs by their split index.

See the Aprimo DAM Administrator Guide > Maintenance > Organizing job execution for more information on split maintenance jobs.


to find the maintenance job that is the first one in the list of split-off maintenance jobs:

 SplitIndex = 0
Status Enumeration Yes Search for maintenance jobs by their status.


to find all maintenance jobs that are currently being executed:

 Status = Executing
Type String Yes Search for maintenance jobs of a certain type.


to find all record maintenance jobs:

 Type = "Adam.Core.Records.RecordMaintenanceJob, Adam.Core"

Setting categories

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for setting categories that were created by a specific user.


to find all setting categories that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for setting categories that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all setting categories that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Id Guid Yes Search for the setting category with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Label String Yes Search for setting categories with a specific label.


to find all setting categories whose label begins with “a”:

 Label = a*
ModifiedBy User Search for setting categories that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all setting categories that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for setting categories by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all setting categories that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for setting categories with a specific name.


to find all setting categories whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*

Setting definitions

Property Type Sortable Description
AllowAnonymousAccess Boolean Search for setting definitions by whether or not the setting value can be changed by anonymous users (not logged in), for example via a custom application.


to find all setting definitions that allow their value being managed by anonymous users:

 AllowAnonymousAccess = true
AllowSiteSetting Boolean Search for setting definitions by whether or not the setting value can be defined on site level.


to find all setting definitions that allow their value being managed on site level:

 AllowSiteSetting = true
AllowSystemSetting Boolean Search for setting definitions by whether or not the setting value can be defined on system level.


to find all setting definitions that allow their value being managed on system level:

 AllowSystemSetting = true
AllowUserSetting Boolean Search for setting definitions by whether or not the setting value can be defined on user level.


to find all setting definitions that allow their value being managed on individual users:

 AllowUserSetting = true
Category Setting category Search for setting definitions that belong to a certain setting category.


to find all setting definitions in the “Custom settings” category:

 Category = "Custom settings"
CreatedBy User Search for setting definitions that were created by a specific user.


to find all setting definitions that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for setting definitions that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all setting definitions that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
DataType Enumeration Search for setting definitions with a specific data type.


to find all setting definitions with the data type “Numeric”:

 DataType = Numeric
GroupSettingMode Enumeration Search for setting definitions with a specific user group mode.


to find all setting definitions that use the highest value to resolve the value of user group settings:

 GroupSettingMode = MaximumValue
Id Guid Yes Search for the setting definition with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Key Guid (Only for Roles) Search for setting definitions by the ID of the object the role is related to.


To find all roles related to the field group with the specified Id:

 Key = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Label String Yes Search for setting definitions by their label.


 Label = "Custom setting"

Note that using the label in code is not recommended, because the label will only be searched in the language of the user executing the code (current user).

ModifiedBy User Search for setting definitions that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all setting definitions that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for setting definitions by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all setting definitions that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for setting definitions with a specific name.


to find all setting definitions whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*

System settings

Property Type Sortable Description
AllowAnonymousAccess Boolean Search for settings by whether or not the value can be changed by anonymous users (not logged in), for example via a custom application.


to find all settings that allow their value being managed by anonymous users:

 AllowAnonymousAccess = true
AllowSiteSetting Boolean Search for settings by whether or not the setting value can also be defined on site level.


to find all settings that allow their value being managed on site level:

 AllowSiteSetting = true
AllowSystemSetting Boolean Search for settings by whether or not the setting value can be defined on system level.


to find all settings that allow their value being managed on system level:

 AllowSystemSetting = true
AllowUserSetting Boolean Search for settings by whether or not the setting value can be defined on user level.


to find all settings that allow their value being managed on individual users:

 AllowUserSetting = true
Category Setting category Search for settings that belong to a certain setting category.


to find all settings in the “Custom settings” category:

 Category = "Custom settings"
DataType Enumeration Yes Search for settings with a specific data type.


to find all settings with the data type “Numeric”:

 DataType = Numeric
GroupSettingMode Enumeration Search for settings with a specific user group mode.


to find all system settings that use the highest value to resolve the value of user group settings:

 GroupSettingMode = MaximumValue
Id Guid Yes Search for the setting with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Label String Yes Search for settings by their label.


to find all settings with the label Custom setting:

 Label = "Custom setting"

Note that using the label in code is not recommended, because the label will only be searched in the language of the user executing the code (current user).

Name String Yes Search for settings with a specific name.


to find all settings whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
Value String Yes Search for settings by their value.


to find all settings whose value contains “blue”:

 Value = "*blue*"


A translation object exists in Aprimo DAM for every term that needs to be translated in a studio or website. Each translation can have one or more translation items, one for every defined UI language. Each translation item in turn has a value, being the translated term in the resp. language,


In Aprimo DAM Assets we have a translation with name “lblAddToBasket”. The default translation item is linked with language “English” and has the value “Add To Basket”. If you define additional UI Languages in Aprimo DAM , you have to provide a value for the new translation item in this translation, e.g.

if you added “Nederlands” as new UI Language, you could enter “Voeg toe aan mandje” as value for the translation item with language “Nederlands”.

Structure of languages in Aprimo DAM

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for translations that were created by a specific user.


to find all translations that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for translations that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all translations that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Id Guid Yes Search for the translation with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
ModifiedBy User Search for translations that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all translations that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for translations by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all translations that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Module String Yes Search for translations by the module they’re linked to.


to find all translations linked to the “Actions” module:

 Module = Actions
Name String Yes Search for translations with a specific name.


to find all translations whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
Studio String Yes Search for translations by the studio they’re linked to.


to find all translations linked to the “AssetStudio” studio:

 Studio = AssetStudio
Translation TranslationItem  Search for translations using properties of the TranslationItem objects in those translations.

 Searchable properties for Translation Items

These are the translation item properties that you can use in search expressions when searching for translations.

Property Type Sortable Description
Language Language Search for translations by the language of their translation items.


to find all English translations that start with the string “btn” in their translated value:

 Translation[Language.Name = English AND Value=btn*]


String Yes Search for translations by the value of their translation items.


to find all translations containing the string “hello” in at least one of their translated values:

 Translation.Value = *hello*

User groups

Property Type Sortable Description
CreatedBy User Search for user groups that were created by a specific user.


to find all user groups that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for user groups that were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all user groups that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'
Id Guid Yes Search for the user group with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Manager User Search for user groups by the users that have management permission on the user group.


to find all user groups that can be managed by the user named Pete Newcase:

 Manager.Name = "Pete Newcase"
Member User Search for user groups by the users that are a member of that group.


to find all user groups that contain a user whose e-mail address is “”: = ""
MemberManager User Search for user groups by the users that have management permission to the users that are a member of that group.


to find all user groups containing at least one user that can be managed by John Doe:

 MemberManager.Name = "John Doe"
MemberReader User Search for user groups by the users that have read permission to the users that are a member of that group.


to find all user groups containing at least one user that can be read by John Doe:

 MemberReader.Name = "John Doe"
ModifiedBy User Search for user groups that were last modified by a specific user.


to find all user groups that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for user groups by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all user groups that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for user groups with a specific name.


to find all user groups whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
ProfileManager User Search for user groups by the users that have Modify access to the user group profile.


to find all user groups that can be modified by the user named Pete Newcase:

 ProfileManager.Name = "Pete Newcase"


Property Type Sortable Description
AprimoUserId Number Search for users with the specified Aprimo user ID.
CreatedBy User Search for users who were created by a specific user.


to find all users that were created by the user named “Pete Newcase”:

 CreatedBy.Name = "Pete Newcase"


DateTime Yes Search for users who were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all users that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000:

 CreatedOn > '01/01/2000' AND CreatedOn < '12/31/2000'


DateTime Yes Search for users who were created on, before or after a specific date & time, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.


to find all users that were created between January 1st and December 31st of 2000, UTC time:

 CreatedOnUtc > '01/01/2000' 
 AND CreatedOnUtc < '12/31/2000'
Email String Yes Search for users with a specific e-mail address.


to find all users with the e-mail address “”:

 Email = ""
FirstName String Search for users with a specific first name.


to find all users with the first name “Pete”:

 FirstName = "pete"
Id Guid Yes Search for the user with the specified Id.


 Id = "24cb1cb9-935d-4791-b47d-a10b0101e3cd"
Group UserGroup Search for users who are a member of a certain user group.


to find all users that are a member of the “Users” group:

 Group.Name = 'Users'
Language Language Search for users that have a certain language selected as default field language.


to find all users that have “Dutch” as default field language:

 Language.Name = Dutch
LanguageForUi Language Search for users who have a certain language selected as UI language.


to find all users that have the default language (US English) as UI language:

 LanguageForUI = "C2BD4F9B-BB95-4BCB-80C3-1E924C9C26DC"
LastName String Search for users with a specific last name.


to find all users with the first name “Newcase”:

 LastName = "newcase"
Manager User Search for users by the users who have management permission on the user.


to find all users that can be managed by the user named Pete Newcase:

 Manager.Name = "Pete Newcase"
ModifiedBy User Search for users who were last modified by a specific user.


to find all users that were last modified by the user with e-mail address “”:

 ModifiedBy.Email = ""


DateTime Yes Search for users by their last modification datetime, in UTC time.

Use the format of the culture linked to the user executing the search expression.

Example: to find all users that haven’t been modified since December 31st, 2000

 ModifiedOn < '12/31/2000'
Name String Yes Search for users with a specific name.


to find all users whose name begins with “a”:

 Name = a*
ProfileReader Guid Search for users by the users who are granted the permissions ReadGroupMembersOfOrganization or ManageGroupMembersOfOrganization for that user’s organization. You can only use the Id to search on.


to find all users whose profile can be read by the user with the specified Id:

 ProfileReader = "C2BD4F9B-BB95-4BCB-80C3-1E924C9C26DC"
Reader User Search for users by the users who have read permission to the user profile.


to find all users that can be read by the user named Pete Newcase:

 Reader.Name = "Pete Newcase"