
The Aprimo Execution Connector syncs Aprimo Activity Cells up with external integration platforms. The connector syncs over different execution ID, Status, and Latest Version. The updates occur in real time.


Below are the configuration options for setting up an execution connector.

Fields in Execution System Description More Info
System Type Type of the Execution System System Type is the list of execution connector that will be used and displayed in the Activity Cell under the Execution Information.
System Name Name of the Execution System Execution System is the name that will be displayed in the Activity Cell under the Execution Information.
API URL This URL is used to authenticate a user to the connector and request the information from the integration platform. Authenticated users can view information in the Execution section of the Activity Cell.
Hashing Secret Hashing Secret along with API URL is used to authenticate the user to Integration Platform This will be stored encrypted in the database and the payload of API calls to the integration will be hashed using SHA256 and hashing secret.
Access List Access List is used to add permission to users who could use Execution System. User Groups that are selected from this option will be allowed to link Activity Cell to an Execution System
Is Active Status of the Execution System Option available are “YES” and “NO”

Implementation Outgoing Routes

Aprimo will make HTTP requests to the configured endpoint and expect responses following defined patterns.

POST {{API URL}}/executions

Aprimo will expect a response back from this request containing a list of all executions. The response body should follow the below JSON object model

    "ExecutionId": "<<string, maxlength(36)>>",
    "ExecutionName": "<<string, maxlength(100)>>"

This route is called whenever a user selections an execution system on an Activity Cell. It is also called when the user enters edit mode after an execution system has already been set in case the user is going to change the execution.

POST {{API URL}}/execution/

Aprimo will expect a response containing details about the execution with the passed executionId

Request Body

  "ExecutionSystemId": <<integer>>,
  "ExecutionId": "<<string>>",
  "UserId": <<integer>>,
  "ActivityCellId": <<integer, nullable>>

Expected Response Body

  "ExecutionName": "<<string, maxlength(100)>>",
  "ExecutionLink": "<<string, hyperlink, maxlength(??)>>",
  "ExecutionVersion": "<<string, maxlength(10)>>",
  "ExecutionStatus": "<<string, maxlength(100)>>",
  "LastSyncTime": "<<string, ISO datetime>>"


This route gets called when a user selects the execution from the execution system to populate the details the first time.

Implementation Incoming Routes

Numerous endpoints exist to expose, or update, information about Activity Cells


GET activity-cells/{actCellId}/integration

Returns the activity cell integration record of the corresponding Activity Cell.

Aprimo’s Response

  "activityCellId": <<integer>>,
  "executionId": "<<string, nullable>>",
  "executionName": "<<string, nullable>>",
  "executionLink": "<<string, hyperlink, nullable>>",
  "executionVersion": "<<string, nullable>>",
  "executionStatus": "<<string, nullable>>",
  "lastSyncTime": "<<string, ISO datetime, nullable>>"


GET activity-cells/integration/{executionId}

Returns a list of activity cell integration records of the corresponding Execution ID

Aprimo’s Response

    "activityCellId": <<integer>>,
    "executionId": "<<string, nullable>>",
    "executionName": "<<string, nullable>>",
    "executionLink": "<<string, hyperlink, nullable>>",
    "executionVersion": "<<string, nullable>>",
    "executionStatus": "<<string, nullable>>",
    "lastSyncTime": "<<string, ISO datetime, nullable>>"


PUT activity-cells/{actCellId}/integration

Updates the activity cell integration record of the corresponding Activity Cell.

Aprimo’s Response

  "activityCellId": <<integer>>,
  "executionId": "<<string, nullable, maxlength(36)>>",
  "executionName": "<<string, nullable, maxlength(100)>>",
  "executionLink": "<<string, hyperlink, nullable, maxlength(??)>>",
  "executionVersion": "<<string, nullable, maxlength(10)>>",
  "executionStatus": "<<string, nullable, maxlength(100)>>",
  "lastSyncTime": "<<string, ISO datetime, nullable>>"