
Metadata routes can be used to understand what fields are being can be supplied to and returned from API resources. The metadata route associated with an object can be found by visiting the Routes page.

An example of metadata is shown below for the activity name field, retrieved from /api/metadata/activities


Here is what each field means:

Field Description
fieldName The name of the field in format. The property portion is the JSON property name you will retrieve from a GET and pass in with a PUT or POST.
fieldType  Indicates a 0 for a base field, or a 1 for an extended attribute.
titleResourceId The key to the string resource that represents the name of this field in the user interface. Please see the string resources article for details on how to look up this value.
fieldDataType The data type of the field. See more details on data types below.
fieldFormatting Shows any formatting metadata about the field. This can be used by external user interfaces to help determine what kind of view and edit control settings may be needed to display this field.
validationRules An array of validation rules for the field. More details on validation rules are available below.
timeValueType Indicates how datetimes are converted to different timezones. See more details below.
amsAttributeId  An integer unique attribute identifier. Negative values are base fields common to all Aprimo customers. Positive values are extended attributes that are configured specifically in a single tenant.
isSecure  Denotes whether this is a secure EA or not.
isReadOnly  Denotes whether a field is read only or not.
inactive Used for extended attributes only.  Indicates whether an extended attribute is inactive.


Data Types

Below are the list of data types and associated IDs.

ID Data Type
1 Text
2 Email Address
3  Url
4 Long Text
11 Numeric
12 Numeric Id
13 Currency
14 Percentage
15 Integer
21 Date
22 Time
23 DateTime
31 Yes/No
32 Picklist
33 MultiSelect
34 Encoded Title Id
37 Picklist (Legacy)
35 Static Value List
36 UserGroup
40 System Type
41 Selection List
42 Selection List Item
99 Deprecated Attribute


Time value types indicate whether values with times are converted to respect user timezones.

Id Time Value Type
0 No conversion is performed. The value is stored as-is in the database and every user will see the same date and time.
1 The value is user-generated and will be converted to reflect the user’s timezone. Aprimo stores these values as UTC in the database and automatically converts the value when reading or setting.
2 The value is system-generated and will be displayed to the user in their own timezone.
3 The value has special rules around converting and does not respect the user’s timezone. These values typically rely on a different timezone setting on a record, such as a the project time zone.